#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Python module for RAMSES dynamic simulator. It provides an interface through Python to
perform dynamic simulations and extract data from RAMSES."""
import ctypes
import _ctypes
import os
import sys
import warnings
import datetime
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
from .cases import cfg
from .globals import RAMSESError, CustomWarning, __libdir__, wrapToList
[docs]class sim(object):
"""Simulation class."""
warnings.showwarning = CustomWarning
ramsesCount = 0 # Provides a sum of all instances of Ramses running
"KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK"] = "TRUE" # This allows to run even if 2 versions of MKL are present on the computer
# print(__libdir__)
# print(os.path.join(__libdir__,"ramses.dll"))
def __init__(self, custLibDir = None):
"""Initialize the DLL libraries."""
if custLibDir is None:
ramLibDir = __libdir__
if os.path.exists(custLibDir) and os.path.isdir(custLibDir):
ramLibDir = custLibDir
warnings.warn("Overwriting the internal DLL with the one at %s. The DLL in that location will be locked. To unlock it, you need to del() this instance of pyramses.sim() or restart the kernel." % ramLibDir)
raise RAMSESError('RAMSES: The path %s does not exist or it is not a directory.' % (custLibDir))
except OSError as e:
raise RAMSESError('RAMSES: The path %s gave an error: ' % (custLibDir), e)
# print(sys.platform)
if sys.platform in ('win32', 'cygwin'):
self._ramseslib = ctypes.CDLL(os.path.join(ramLibDir, "ramses.dll"))
# if (not find_library('iomp5')):
# self._omplib = ctypes.CDLL(os.path.join(__libdir__, "libiomp5.so"), mode=ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)
# self._mkllib = ctypes.CDLL(os.path.join(__libdir__, "libmkl.so"), mode=ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)
self._ramseslib = ctypes.CDLL(os.path.join(ramLibDir, "ramses.so"))
except OSError as e:
raise ImportError('RAMSES: ', e)
sim.ramsesCount += 1
self._ramsesNum = sim.ramsesCount # This is the current instance of Ramses
def __del__(self):
warnings.warn("Simulator with number %i was deleted." % self._ramsesNum)
if sys.platform in ('win32', 'cygwin'):
sim.ramsesCount -= 1
def _c_func_wrapper(self, cdecl_text):
"""Read the ramses.h file and sets the necessary call types for Python."""
def move_pointer_and_strip(type_def, name):
if '*' in name:
type_def += ' ' + name[:name.rindex('*') + 1]
name = name.rsplit('*', 1)[1]
return type_def.strip(), name.strip()
def type_lookup(type_def):
'''Supported C variable types and their ctypes equivalents.'''
types = {
'void': None,
'char *': ctypes.c_char_p,
'int': ctypes.c_int,
'int *': ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int),
'void *': ctypes.c_void_p,
'size_t': ctypes.c_size_t,
'size_t *': ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_size_t),
'double': ctypes.c_double,
'double *': ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)
type_def_without_const = type_def.replace('const ', '')
if type_def_without_const in types:
return types[type_def_without_const]
elif (type_def_without_const.endswith('*') and type_def_without_const[:-1] in types):
return ctypes.POINTER(types[type_def_without_const[:-1]])
raise KeyError(type_def)
a, b = [i.strip() for i in cdecl_text.split('(', 1)]
params, _ = b.rsplit(')', 1)
rtn_type, name = move_pointer_and_strip(*a.rsplit(' ', 1))
param_spec = []
for param in params.split(','):
if param != 'void':
param_spec.append(move_pointer_and_strip(*param.rsplit(' ', 1)))
func = getattr(self._ramseslib, name) # get the function from the dll
setattr(func, 'restype', type_lookup(rtn_type)) # set the return type
setattr(func, 'argtypes', [type_lookup(type_def) for type_def, _ in param_spec]) # set the argument types
except AttributeError as e:
#raise AttributeError(
# 'RAMSES: Function %s is listed in ramses.h but cannot be found in the library.' % (name), e)
warnings.warn('RAMSES: Function %s is listed in ramses.h but cannot be found in the library.' % (name))
def _setcalls(self):
"""Define the argument types and returning types for the routines in RAMSES"""
with open(os.path.join(__libdir__, "ramses.h"), 'r') as f:
_C_HEADER = f.read()
for cdecl_text in _C_HEADER.splitlines():
if cdecl_text.strip():
if not cdecl_text.startswith("//"):
except IOError as e:
raise IOError("RAMSES: Cannot open ramses.h files", e)
[docs] def getLastErr(self):
"""Return the last error message issued by RAMSES.
:rtype: str
>>> import pyramses
>>> ram = pyramses.sim()
>>> case = pyramses.cfg("cmd.txt")
>>> ram.execSim(case, 0) # start simulation paused
>>> ram.getLastErr()
'This is an error msg'
errMsg = ctypes.create_string_buffer(1024)
retval = self._ramseslib.get_last_err_log(errMsg)
except KeyError:
retval = 1
if (retval != 0):
raise RAMSESError('RAMSES: Function getLastErr failed.')
return errMsg.value.decode()
[docs] def getJac(self):
"""Gets the Jacobian matrix written in files
>>> import pyramses
>>> ram = pyramses.sim()
>>> case = pyramses.cfg("cmd.txt")
>>> ram.execSim(case, 0) # start simulation paused
>>> ram.getJac()
retval = self._ramseslib.get_Jac()
except KeyError:
retval = 1
if (retval != 0) and (retval != 112):
raise RAMSESError('RAMSES: Function get_Jac failed.')
Nmat = 0
f = open('py_eqs.dat','r')
lines = f.readlines()
rowl = []
coll = []
datal = []
for x in lines:
xsplit = x.split()
if int(xsplit[0]) > Nmat:
Nmat = int(xsplit[0])
if int(xsplit[5]) > 0:
row = np.array( rowl, dtype=int )
col = np.array( coll, dtype=int )
data = np.array( datal, dtype=float )
E = coo_matrix((data,(row,col)), shape=(Nmat,Nmat)).tocsc()
raise RAMSESError('RAMSES: Function get_Jac failed while reading E.')
f = open('py_val.dat','r')
lines = f.readlines()
row = np.array( [ int(x.split()[0])-1 for x in lines ], dtype=int )
col = np.array( [ int(x.split()[1])-1 for x in lines ], dtype=int )
data = np.array( [ x.split()[2] for x in lines ], dtype=float )
A = coo_matrix((data,(row,col)), shape=(Nmat,Nmat)).tocsc()
raise RAMSESError('RAMSES: Function get_Jac failed while reading A.')
return A, E
[docs] def getCompName(self, comp_type, num):
"""Return the name of the num:superscript:`th` component of type comp_type.
:param str comp_type: the component type (BUS, SYNC, INJ, DCTL, BRANCH, TWOP, SHUNT, LOAD)
:param int num: The number of the component to be fetched
:returns: The component name
:rtype: srt
>>> import pyramses
>>> ram = pyramses.sim()
>>> case = pyramses.cfg("cmd.txt")
>>> ram.execSim(case, 0) # start simulation paused
>>> ram.getCompName("BUS",1)
get_name_func = {
'BUS': self._ramseslib.get_bus_name,
'SYNC': self._ramseslib.get_sync_name,
'INJ': self._ramseslib.get_inj_name,
'DCTL': self._ramseslib.get_dctl_name,
'BRANCH': self._ramseslib.get_branch_name,
'TWOP': self._ramseslib.get_twop_name,
'SHUNT': self._ramseslib.get_shunt_name,
'LOAD': self._ramseslib.get_load_name
name = ctypes.create_string_buffer(21)
retval = get_name_func[comp_type](num, name)
except KeyError:
retval = 1
if (retval != 0):
raise RAMSESError(
'RAMSES: Function getCompName(%s,%i) failed. Does this component exist?' % (comp_type, num))
return name.value.decode()
[docs] def getAllCompNames(self, comp_type):
"""Get list of all components of type comp_type
:param str comp_type: the component type (BUS, SYNC, INJ, DCTL, BRANCH, TWOP, SHUNT, LOAD)
:returns: list of component names
:rtype: list of str
>>> import pyramses
>>> ram = pyramses.sim()
>>> case = pyramses.cfg("cmd.txt")
>>> ram.execSim(case, 0) # start simulation paused
>>> ram.getAllCompNames("BUS")
get_nb_func = {
'BUS': self._ramseslib.get_nbbus,
'SYNC': self._ramseslib.get_nbsync,
'INJ': self._ramseslib.get_nbinj,
'DCTL': self._ramseslib.get_nbdctl,
'BRANCH': self._ramseslib.get_nbbra,
'TWOP': self._ramseslib.get_nbtwop,
'SHUNT': self._ramseslib.get_nbshunt,
'LOAD': self._ramseslib.get_nbload
Nb = get_nb_func[comp_type]()
except KeyError:
raise RAMSESError(
'RAMSES: Function getAllCompName(%s) failed. Does this component type exists?' % (comp_type))
names = []
if Nb > 0:
for comp in range(1, Nb + 1):
names.append(self.getCompName(comp_type, comp))
return names
[docs] def execSim(self, cmd, pause=None):
"""Run a simulation.
:param cmd: provides the case description
:type cmd: type(:class:`.cfg`)
:param t_pause: pause time (optional). If not given, the simulation will run until the end as described in the dst file.
:type t_pause: float
>>> import pyramses
>>> ram = pyramses.sim()
>>> case = pyramses.cfg("cmd.txt")
>>> ram.execSim(case) # start simulation
.. note:: If you have an existing command file, you can pass it to the simulator as pyramses.cfg("cmd.txt")
if not isinstance(cmd, cfg):
raise TypeError('RAMSES: Function execSim because the command file is not of type pyramses.cfg()')
if pause is not None:
cmdfilename = cmd.writeCmdFile()
if not cmd._out:
outfilename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'output '+datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d.%m.%Y-%H.%M.%S")+'.trace')
outfilename = cmd._out[0]
retval = self._ramseslib.ramses(cmdfilename.encode('utf-8'), outfilename.encode('utf-8'))
if (retval != 0) and (retval != 112):
raise RAMSESError('RAMSES: Function execSim() failed with the flag %i. Last message was: %s' % (retval, self.getLastErr()))
return 0
[docs] def contSim(self, pause=None):
"""Continue the simulation until the given time.
The pause argument is optional and it gives the time until the simulation will stop."""
if pause is not None:
retval = self._ramseslib.continue_simul()
if (retval != 0) and (retval != 112):
raise RAMSESError('RAMSES: Function contSim() failed with the flag %i. Last message was: %s' % (retval, self.getLastErr()))
return 0
[docs] def getBusVolt(self, busNames):
"""Return the voltage magnitude of a list of buses
:param busNames: the names of buses
:type busNames: list of str
:returns: list of bus voltage magnitudes
:rtype: list of floats
>>> import pyramses
>>> ram = pyramses.sim()
>>> case = pyramses.cfg("cmd.txt")
>>> ram.execSim(case, 10.0) # simulate until 10 seconds and pause
>>> buses = ['g1','g2','g3']
>>> ram.getBusVolt(buses)
volts = []
bus_volt = ctypes.c_double()
for bus in busNames:
retval = self._ramseslib.get_volt_mag(bus.encode('utf-8'), bus_volt)
if (retval != 0):
raise RAMSESError(
'RAMSES: Function getBusVolt(%s) failed with the flag %i. Does the bus exist? Last message was: %s' % (bus, retval, self.getLastErr()))
return volts
[docs] def getBranchPow(self, branchName):
"""Return the active and reactive powers of a list of branches
:param branchName: the names of branches
:type branchName: list of str
:returns: list of branch powers. These are active and reactive power at the origin and extremity respectively (p_orig, q_orig, p_extr, q_extr)
:rtype: list of floats
>>> import pyramses
>>> ram = pyramses.sim()
>>> case = pyramses.cfg("cmd.txt")
>>> ram.execSim(case, 10.0) # simulate until 10 seconds and pause
>>> branchName = ['1011-1013','1012-1014','1021-1022']
>>> ram.getBranchPow(branchName)
pows = []
p_orig = ctypes.c_double()
q_orig = ctypes.c_double()
p_extr = ctypes.c_double()
q_extr = ctypes.c_double()
for branch in branchName:
retval = self._ramseslib.get_line_pow(branch.encode('utf-8'), p_orig, q_orig, p_extr, q_extr)
if (retval != 0):
raise RAMSESError(
'RAMSES: Function get_line_pow(%s) failed with the flag %i. Does the branch exist? Last message was: %s' % (branch, retval, self.getLastErr()))
thisBranch = [p_orig.value, q_orig.value, p_extr.value, q_extr.value]
return pows
[docs] def getBranchCur(self, branchName):
"""Return the currents of a list of branches
:param branchName: the names of branches
:type branchName: list of str
:returns: list of branch currents. These are x-y components at the origin and extremity respectively (ix_orig, iy_orig, ix_extr, iy_extr)
:rtype: list of floats
>>> import pyramses
>>> ram = pyramses.sim()
>>> case = pyramses.cfg("cmd.txt")
>>> ram.execSim(case, 10.0) # simulate until 10 seconds and pause
>>> branchName = ['1011-1013','1012-1014','1021-1022']
>>> ram.getBranchCur(branchName)
curs = []
ix_orig = ctypes.c_double()
iy_orig = ctypes.c_double()
ix_extr = ctypes.c_double()
iy_extr = ctypes.c_double()
for branch in branchName:
retval = self._ramseslib.get_line_cur(branch.encode('utf-8'), ix_orig, iy_orig, ix_extr, iy_extr)
if (retval != 0):
raise RAMSESError(
'RAMSES: Function get_line_cur(%s) failed with the flag %i. Does the branch exist? Last message was: %s' % (branch, retval, self.getLastErr()))
thisBranch = [ix_orig.value, iy_orig.value, ix_extr.value, iy_extr.value]
return curs
[docs] def getBusPha(self, busNames):
"""Return the voltage phase of a list of buses
:param busNames: the names of buses
:type busNames: list of str
:returns: list of bus voltage phase
:rtype: list of floats
>>> import pyramses
>>> ram = pyramses.sim()
>>> case = pyramses.cfg("cmd.txt")
>>> ram.execSim(case, 10.0) # simulate until 10 seconds and pause
>>> buses = ['g1','g2','g3']
>>> ram.getBusPha(buses)
pha = []
bus_pha = ctypes.c_double()
for bus in busNames:
retval = self._ramseslib.get_volt_pha(bus.encode('utf-8'), bus_pha)
if (retval != 0):
raise RAMSESError(
'RAMSES: Function getBusPha(%s) failed with the flag %i. Does the bus exist? Last message was: %s' % (bus, retval, self.getLastErr()))
return pha
[docs] def endSim(self):
"""End the simulation"""
return self.contSim(self.getInfTime())
[docs] def getEndSim(self):
"""Check if the simulation has ended
:returns: 0 -> simulation is still working, 1 -> simulation has ended
:rtype: integer
return self._ramseslib.get_end_simul()
[docs] def getSimTime(self):
"""Get the current simulation time
:returns: current simulation time in RAMSES.
:rtype: float
return self._ramseslib.get_sim_time()
[docs] def getInfTime(self):
"""Get the maximum representable double from the simulator ()
:returns: maximum representable double
:rtype: float
return self._ramseslib.get_huge_double()
[docs] def initObserv(self,traj_filenm):
"""Initialize observable selection (structure and trajectory file)
:param traj_filenm: the file to save the trajectory at
:type traj_filenm: str
>>> import pyramses
>>> ram = pyramses.sim()
>>> case = pyramses.cfg("cmd.txt") # command file without any observables
>>> ram.execSim(case, 0.0) # start
>>> traj_filenm = 'obs.trj'
>>> ram.initObserv(traj_filenm)
return self._ramseslib.initObserv(traj_filenm.encode('utf-8'))
[docs] def addObserv(self,string):
"""Add an element to be observed
:param string: the element with proper format
:type string: str
>>> import pyramses
>>> ram = pyramses.sim()
>>> case = pyramses.cfg("cmd.txt") # command file without any observables
>>> ram.execSim(case, 0.0) # start
>>> traj_filenm = 'obs.trj'
>>> ram.initObserv(traj_filenm)
>>> string = 'BUS *' # monitor all buses
>>> ram.addObserv(string)
return self._ramseslib.addObserv(string.encode('utf-8'))
[docs] def finalObserv(self):
"""Finalize observable selection, allocate buffer, and write header of trajectory file
>>> import pyramses
>>> ram = pyramses.sim()
>>> case = pyramses.cfg("cmd.txt") # command file without any observables
>>> ram.execSim(case, 0.0) # start
>>> traj_filenm = 'obs.trj'
>>> ram.initObserv(traj_filenm)
>>> string = 'BUS *' # monitor all buses
>>> ram.addObserv(string)
>>> ram.finalObserv()
return self._ramseslib.finalObserv()
[docs] def getPrm(self, comp_type, comp_name, prm_name):
"""Get the value of a named parameter
:param comp_type: the types of components (EXC, TOR, INJ, DCTL, TWOP)
:type comp_type: list of str
:param comp_name: the names of components
:type comp_name: list of str
:param prm_name: the names of parameters
:type prm_name: list of str
:returns: list of parameter values
:rtype: list of floats
>>> import pyramses
>>> ram = pyramses.sim()
>>> case = pyramses.cfg("cmd.txt")
>>> ram.execSim(case, 10.0) # simulate until 10 seconds and pause
>>> comp_type = ['EXC','EXC','EXC']
>>> comp_name = ['g1','g2','g3']
>>> prm_name = ['V0','V0','V0']
>>> ram.getPrm(comp_type,comp_name, prm_name)
comp_type = wrapToList(comp_type)
comp_name = wrapToList(comp_name)
prm_name = wrapToList(prm_name)
if not (len(comp_type) == len(comp_name) == len(prm_name)):
raise ValueError('RAMSES: Function getPrm failed because the lists are not equal!')
prm_values = []
for a, b, c in zip(comp_type, comp_name, prm_name):
prm_value = ctypes.c_double()
retval = self._ramseslib.get_named_prm(a.encode('utf-8'), b.encode('utf-8'), c.encode('utf-8'),
if retval != 0:
raise RAMSESError(
'RAMSES: Function getPrm(%s,%s,%s) failed with the flag %i. Does the parameter or equipment exist? Last message was: %s'
% (a, b, c, retval, self.getLastErr()))
if len(prm_values) == 1:
return prm_values[0]
return prm_values
[docs] def defineSS(self, ssID, filter1, filter2, filter3):
"""Define a subsytem using three filters. The resulting list is an intersection of the filters.
:param ssID: Number of the SS
:type ssID: int
:param filter1: Voltage levels to be included
:type filter1: list of str or str
:param filter2: Zones (which zone/zones will be included)
:type filter2: list of str or str
:param filter3: Bus names to be included
:type filter3: list of str or str
>>> import pyramses
>>> ram = pyramses.sim()
>>> case = pyramses.cfg("cmd.txt")
>>> ram.execSim(case, 0.0)
>>> ram.defineSS(1, ['735'], [], []) # SS 1 with all buses at 735 kV, no zones, no list of buses
.. note:: An empty filter means it is deactivated and discarded.
filter1 = wrapToList(filter1)
filter2 = wrapToList(filter2)
filter3 = wrapToList(filter3)
strF1 = ' '.join(filter1)
strF2 = ' '.join(filter2)
strF3 = ' '.join(filter3)
retval = self._ramseslib.define_SS(ctypes.c_int(ssID), strF1.encode('utf-8'), ctypes.c_int(len(filter1)),
strF2.encode('utf-8'), ctypes.c_int(len(filter2)), strF3.encode('utf-8'),
if retval != 0:
raise RAMSESError('RAMSES: Function define_SS(%i,...) failed with the flag %i. Last message was: %s' % (ssID, retval, self.getLastErr()))
[docs] def getSS(self, ssID):
"""Retrieve the buses of a subsytem.
:param ssID: Number of the SS
:type ssID: int
:returns: list of buses
:rtype: list of str
>>> import pyramses
>>> ram = pyramses.sim()
>>> case = pyramses.cfg("cmd.txt")
>>> ram.execSim(case, 0.0)
>>> ram.defineSS(1, ['735'], [], []) # SS 1 with all buses at 735 kV
>>> ram.getSS(1) # get list of buses in SS 1
mxreclen = self._ramseslib.get_nbbus()
string_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(19 * mxreclen)
retval = self._ramseslib.get_SS(ctypes.c_int(ssID), ctypes.c_int(mxreclen), string_buffer)
if retval != 0:
raise RAMSESError('RAMSES: Function getSS(%i) failed with the flag %i. Last message was: %s' % (ssID, retval, self.getLastErr()))
return string_buffer.value.split()
[docs] def getTrfoSS(self, ssID, location, in_service, rettype):
"""Retrieve transformer information of subsystem after applying some filters
:param ssID: Number of the SS
:type ssID: int
:param location: 1 – both buses inside SS, 2 - tie transformers, 3 – 1 & 2
:type location: int
:param in_service: 1 – transformers in service, 2 - all transformers
:type in_service: int
:param rettype: Type of response (NAME, From, To, Status, Tap, Currentf, Currentt, Pf, Qf, Pt, Qt).
:type rettype: str
:returns: list of transformer names
:rtype: list of str
>>> import pyramses
>>> ram = pyramses.sim()
>>> case = pyramses.cfg("cmd.txt")
>>> ram.execSim(case, 0.0)
>>> ram.defineSS(1, ['735'], [], []) # SS 1 with all buses at 735 kV
>>> ram.getTrfoSS(1,3,2,'Status')
.. note:: Tap is not implemented yet.
.. todo:: Implement Taps after discussing with Lester.
if rettype not in ['NAME', 'From', 'To', 'Status', 'Tap', 'Currentf', 'Currentt', 'Pf', 'Qf', 'Pt', 'Qt']:
raise RAMSESError('RAMSES: Function getTrfoSS(%i,%i,%i,%s): rettype is not valid!' % (
ssID, location, in_service, rettype))
elif location not in [1, 2, 3]:
raise RAMSESError('RAMSES: Function getTrfoSS(%i,%i,%i,%s): location is not valid!' % (
ssID, location, in_service, rettype))
elif in_service not in [1, 2]:
raise RAMSESError('RAMSES: Function getTrfoSS(%i,%i,%i,%s): in_service is not valid!' % (
ssID, location, in_service, rettype))
mxreclen = self._ramseslib.get_nbbra()
string_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(21 * mxreclen)
dp_vec = (ctypes.c_double * mxreclen)()
dp_int = (ctypes.c_int * mxreclen)()
elem = ctypes.c_int()
retval = self._ramseslib.get_transformer_in_SS(ctypes.c_int(ssID), ctypes.c_int(location),
ctypes.c_int(in_service), rettype.encode('utf-8'),
ctypes.c_int(mxreclen), string_buffer, dp_vec, dp_int, elem)
if retval != 0:
raise RAMSESError('RAMSES: Function getTrfoSS(%i,%i,%i,%s) failed with the flag %i.' % (
ssID, location, in_service, rettype, retval))
if elem == 0:
return []
elif rettype in ['Tap', 'Status']:
return [dp_int[i] for i in range(0, elem.value)]
elif rettype in ['Currentf', 'Currentt', 'Pf', 'Qf', 'Pt', 'Qt']:
return [dp_vec[i] for i in range(0, elem.value)]
return string_buffer.value.split()
[docs] def getPrmNames(self, comp_type, comp_name):
"""Get the named parameters of a model
:param comp_type: the types of components (EXC, TOR, INJ, DCTL, TWOP)
:type comp_type: list of str or str
:param comp_name: the names of component instances
:type comp_name: list of str or str
:returns: list of parameter names
:rtype: list of lists of strings
>>> import pyramses
>>> ram = pyramses.sim()
>>> case = pyramses.cfg("cmd.txt")
>>> ram.execSim(case, 0.0) # initialize and wait
>>> comp_type = ['EXC','EXC','EXC']
>>> comp_name = ['g1','g2','g3'] # name of synchronous machines
>>> ram.getPrmNames(comp_type,comp_name)
comp_type = wrapToList(comp_type)
comp_name = wrapToList(comp_name)
if not (len(comp_type) == len(comp_name)):
raise ValueError('RAMSES: Function getPrmNames failed because the lists are not equal!')
prm_names = []
mxprm = self._ramseslib.get_mxprm() # get maximum number of parameters in any model
for a, b in zip(comp_type, comp_name):
string_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(11 * mxprm)
retval = self._ramseslib.get_comp_prm_names(a.encode('utf-8'), b.encode('utf-8'), ctypes.c_int(mxprm),
if retval != 0:
raise RAMSESError(
'RAMSES: Function getPrm(%s,%s) failed with the flag %i. Does the parameter or equipment exist?'
% (a, b, retval))
decodedstring = string_buffer.value.decode()
if len(prm_names) == 1:
return prm_names[0]
return prm_names
[docs] def getObs(self, comp_type, comp_name, obs_name):
"""Get the value of a named observable.
:param comp_type: the types of components ('EXC','TOR','INJ','TWOP','DCTL','SYN')
:type comp_type: list of str
:param comp_name: the names of components
:type comp_name: list of str
:param obs_name: the names of observables
:type obs_name: list of str
:returns: list of observable values
:rtype: list of floats
.. note::
For the synchronous generator ('SYN') the accepted obs_name values are
- 'P': Active power (MW)
- 'Q': Reactive power (MVAr)
-'Omega': Machine speed (pu)
- 'S': Apparent power (MVA)
- 'SNOM': Nominal apparent power (MVA)
- 'PNOM': Nominal active power (MW)
>>> import pyramses
>>> ram = pyramses.sim()
>>> case = pyramses.cfg("cmd.txt")
>>> ram.execSim(case, 10.0) # simulate until 10 seconds and pause
>>> comp_type = ['INJ','EXC','TOR']
>>> comp_name = ['L_11','g2','g3']
>>> obs_name = ['P','vf','Pm']
>>> ram.getObs(comp_type,comp_name, obs_name)
comp_type = wrapToList(comp_type)
comp_name = wrapToList(comp_name)
obs_name = wrapToList(obs_name)
if not (len(comp_type) == len(comp_name) == len(obs_name)):
raise ValueError('RAMSES: Function getObs failed because the lists are not equal!')
obs_values = []
for a, b, c in zip(comp_type, comp_name, obs_name):
obs_value = ctypes.c_double()
retval = self._ramseslib.get_named_obs(a.encode('utf-8'), b.encode('utf-8'), c.encode('utf-8'),
if retval != 0:
raise RAMSESError(
'RAMSES: Function getObs(%s,%s,%s) failed with the flag %i. Does the observable or equipment exist?'
% (a, b, c, retval))
return obs_values
[docs] def pauseSim(self, t_pause):
"""Pause the simulation at the t_pause time
:param t_pause: pause time
:type t_pause: float
return self._ramseslib.set_pause_time(t_pause)
[docs] def addDisturb(self, t_dist, disturb):
"""Add a new disturbance at a specific time. Follows the same structure as the disturbances in the dst files.
:param t_dist: time of the disturbance
:type t_dist: float
:param disturb: description of disturbance
:type disturb: str
>>> import pyramses
>>> ram = pyramses.sim()
>>> case = pyramses.cfg("cmd.txt")
>>> ram.execSim(case, 80.0) # simulate until 80 seconds and pause
>>> ram.addDisturb(100.000, 'CHGPRM DCTL 1-1041 Vsetpt -0.05 0') # Decrease the setpoint of the DCTL by 0.015 pu, at t=100 s
>>> ram.addDisturb(100.000, 'CHGPRM DCTL 2-1042 Vsetpt -0.05 0')
>>> ram.addDisturb(100.000, 'CHGPRM DCTL 3-1043 Vsetpt -0.05 0')
>>> ram.addDisturb(100.000, 'CHGPRM DCTL 4-1044 Vsetpt -0.05 0')
>>> ram.addDisturb(100.000, 'CHGPRM DCTL 5-1045 Vsetpt -0.05 0')
>>> ram.contSim(ram.getInfTime()) # continue the simulation
return self._ramseslib.add_disturb(t_dist, disturb.encode('utf-8'))
[docs] def load_MDL(MDLName):
"""Load external DLL file with user defined models. Should be in current directory or absolute path.
:param MDLName: path to file
:type MDLName: str
>>> import pyramses
>>> ram = pyramses.sim()
>>> ram = pyramses.load_MDL("MDLs.dll")
>>> case = pyramses.cfg("cmd.txt")
>>> ram.execSim(case) # simulate
return self._ramseslib.c_load_MDL(MDLName.encode('utf-8'))
[docs] def unload_MDL(MDLName):
"""Unload external DLL file with user defined models. Should be in current directory or absolute path.
:param MDLName: path to file
:type MDLName: str
>>> import pyramses
>>> ram = pyramses.sim()
>>> ram = pyramses.load_MDL("MDLs.dll")
>>> case = pyramses.cfg("cmd.txt")
>>> ram.execSim(case) # simulate
>>> ram = pyramses.unload_MDL("MDLs.dll")
return self._ramseslib.c_unload_MDL(MDLName.encode('utf-8'))
[docs] def get_MDL_no():
"""Unload external DLL file with user defined models. Should be in current directory or absolute path.
:returns: list of observable values
:rtype: list of floats
>>> import pyramses
>>> ram = pyramses.sim()
>>> ram = pyramses.load_MDL("MDLs.dll")
>>> case = pyramses.cfg("cmd.txt")
>>> ram.execSim(case) # simulate
>>> ram = pyramses.get_MDL_no()
return self._ramseslib.c_get_MDL_no()
#int get_MDL_names(int mxreclen, char *DLL_Names);